• At the University of Trieste, the Computational Fluid Dynamics laboratory (within DIA) focuses on turbulence and hydroacoustic modeling, particularly for analyzing hydrodynamic noise. This includes detailed studies on acoustic sources and their propagation through different environments. The Economics research group (within DEAMS) specializes in transport economics and policy, working on transport demand modeling, discrete choice modeling, total cost of ownership, and the integration of electric mobility with renewable energy sources.
    In the BluEcho project, DIA will be responsible for numerical modeling of acoustic sources and their propagation across various environments, as outlined in work package 1. As the coordinator DIA will also engage with partners and members of the advisory committee. DEAMS will conduct a cost/benefit analysis, evaluating different potential scenarios within the scope of work package 3.

  • The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS (https://www.ogs.it/en) is an Italian public research institution supervised by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. OGS conducts research in the fields of earth science and oceanography on an international level with particular focus on major global challenges in line with the EU Marine Strategy and UN Ocean Decade policies. OGS has extensive expertise in developing numerical models that describe and integrate physical, biogeochemical, and ecological dynamics at different spatial and temporal scales using artificial intelligence and supercomputing technologies. Within the EU Copernicus Marine Services, OGS is also responsible for producing forecasts and reanalysis of the biogeochemistry of the Mediterranean Sea.
    The role of OGS in the project is on impact assessment on marine fauna (tailored to sea basins), integrated coastal zone management, and data management.

  • Chalmers University of Technology (Mechanics and Maritime Sciences Division) is recognized for its work on noise emissions from shipping, focusing on cavitation and its environmental impact. The university conducts detailed analyses using high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics and experimental methods to study cavitation mechanisms and design marine propulsion systems with reduced negative environmental effects. Chalmers also collaborates with innovation companies to develop offshore renewable energy solutions and farm designs. Additionally, the university works closely with Swedish authorities to improve the understanding of environmental loads on ocean ecosystems and to inform impact assessments and regulations.
    In the BluEcho project, Chalmers will primarily be involved in work package 1, devoted to the modelling and propagation of noise emissions to support the development of noise maps to be used in other parts of the project. Chalmers focus will be on assessment of shipping noise and to investigate different technical and operational means to reduce noise emissions.

  • The Alfred Wegener Institute's Ocean Acoustics Group has a large long-term passive acoustic data set of the Polar oceans. It works on standardizing acoustic analysis techniques and assessing the impact of marine sounds, including anthropogenic noise. The group involved in the project focuses on the automatic detection of various marine sounds, including anthropogenic noise, and assesses their impacts on marine fauna, comparing these to natural sound sources like earthquakes.

  • The Institute of Marine Research is a major European research institute that monitors and advises on Norwegian waters. The institute offers scientific advice on over 80 fish stocks through international organizations like ICES and operates nine research vessels of various sizes. It provides scientific advice on the environmental impact of anthropogenic noise, including offshore wind farms, and has extensive experience in underwater acoustics, oceanography, and fisheries biology. IMR will focus on assessing the impact of sound on marine life and advising the Norwegian government.
    In the BlueEcho project, IMR will be mainly involved in work package 2. IMR contributes with case studies of animal presence and sound monitoring  from both floating offshore wind farm and underwater observatory placed along a major shipping lane. Both sites are equipped with hydrophones and echosounders, allowing us to assess animal presence (fish, marine mammals) in relation to noise levels. Insigths from these case studies will be used in the assessment of LOBE for the defined areas.

An advisory committee has been established, with the participation of members from TG Noise, experts from the scientific coordination team - JPI Oceans' Action “Science for Good Environmental Status” (S4GES), and industry personnel who have expressed their willingness to join: Kongsberg Maritime, Groupe Beneteau Italia Spa, Saipem Spa.

The consultation board will play a pivotal role and discuss with BluEcho partners on the approaches and results. Also, thanks to the consultation board, the open access datasets and results will be shared with policy-makers in order to provide them with useful and new information on the project outcomes.