Thanks to the synergy among research institutions from Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Norway, BluEcho is dedicated to:
Enhancing Sustainability: Improving the sustainability of the shipping and wind farm industries.
Conserving Biodiversity: Preserving species biodiversity by assessing noise impacts on marine fauna.
Mitigating Noise: Evaluating the efficiency of various acoustic mitigation measures to reduce noise levels.
We employ a blend of numerical simulations, fieldwork, and desktop studies to gather crucial data for designing low-noise Marine Protected Areas. Our methods include:
Cutting-Edge Numerical Techniques: Reproducing sound from wind turbines and ship propellers.
3D Real-Time Sound Maps: Using advanced models and in-house codes to create predictive maps.
Habitat Identification: Pinpointing habitats in non-tolerable sea conditions.
Mitigation Measures: Evaluating the effectiveness of slow-down or re-routing procedures and noise reduction devices, with a focus on the Hywind Tampen wind farm as a case study.
The project also delivers a thorough economic analysis of costs and benefits, coupled with marine spatial planning analysis:
Cost Effectiveness Analysis: Finding the best balance between noise reduction and economic cost minimization.
Investment and Variable Cost Analysis: Breaking down the cost components of noise reduction measures.
Accessibility: Making results broadly available to decision-making bodies and stakeholders, using marine data from Copernicus Marine Service and EMODnet.
Long-Term Impacts
Develop New Decision-Support Tools: Contributing to innovative decision-making resources.
Promote Policy Integration: Enhancing interconnectivity of policies among regional sea basins.
Foster Cooperation: Encouraging collaboration, co-design, and alignment of activities with stakeholders beyond academia.
SBEP priority Area: PA1 - Planning and managing sea uses at the regional level
Sea-basins: Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Polar Oceans
Countries: Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden
Partners: University of Trieste, UNITS, Italy (coordinator) - Havforskningsinsituttet, IMR, Norway - Chalmers tekniska högskola AB, Chalmers, Sweden - National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, OGS, Italy - Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, AWI, Germany.
OB1 - Investigate sound generation resulting from wind farms and marine traffic
OB2 - Assess detailed regional noise maps for all sea basins
OB3 - Assess impacts on selected marine taxa
OB4 - Evaluate the efficiency of mitigation measures
OB5 - Perform an economic analysis of costs and benefits coupled with a marine spatial planning assessment